Notice - Holiday - From Wednesday 25.1.2023 to Monday 31.1.2023 we will not even be present online, we will take care of everything from Tuesday 1.2. Thank you for your understanding
CZ EN    

Drilling and tumbling stones

At present, we perform tumbling, tumbling, which is their rounding and smoothing in the drum. We also cut cabochons, cut stones and drill stones using a diamond drill. Order our stones from the e-shop directly in the e-shop, the price of drilling will be added to the order (in the third category menu from the bottom). It is necessary to arrange the stone processing either by phone: +420 602 549 354, or by e-mail: .

Drilling stones

We drill with diamond drills, with water cooling inside the drill. We can drill diameters exceptionally (0.7 - 0.8 - 1.0 mm) and standard 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.4 - 1.5 - 1.6 - 1.7 - 1.8 - 2, 0 - 2.2 - 2.5 - 2.6 - 3.0 - 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.3 - 5.0 - 5.3 - 5.6 mm.

The maximum hole length at 0.7 and 0.8 mm diameter is 14 mm, at 1.0 mm diameter is 22 mm, at 1.2 mm diameter is 35 mm, at 1.5 mm diameter is 40 mm, at diameter 1 , 8 is 36 mm, at a diameter of 2.0 mm it is 34 mm, at a diameter of 2.5 mm it is 80 mm, at a diameter of 3.0 mm it is 40mm, at a diameter of 3.5 mm it is 54 mm, at a diameter of 4.0 mm is 54 mm, 44 mm in diameter, 5.0 mm, 5.3 mm and 5.6 mm in diameter.

The price of stone drilling from our e-shop is usually 0,38 EUR per piece. Order our stones from the e-shop directly in the e-shop, the price of drilling will be added to the order (in the third category menu from the bottom).

Price of drilling of delivered stones diameter 0,7 - 3,5 mm is per piece:

  • 0,7 EUR for 1-20 pieces
  • 0,62 EUR for 21-40 pieces
  • 0,54 EUR for 41-59 pieces
  • 0,46 EUR for the number of pieces 60 and above

The price of drilling of delivered stones with larger diameters 4,0 - 5,6 mm is per piece 0,85 EUR.

  • for drilling longer holes than 30 mm is extra charge 0,38 EUR
  • for drilling sapphires, rubies, and corundum, the price per piece is doubled
  • gluing of the base metal grip 0,8 EUR

Drilling dates are normally within 14 days. Urgent drilling within 2 days is for an extra 2, - EUR (not for stones from orders).

Normally we drill stones on the hull, on the skin (from the side or on the fox loop), drilling from side to wire, drilling stone eggs, returning to the stones for LEDs.

Not every stone can be drilled sideways, we have to assess it individually. Certainly you cannot drill thin cabochons from the side.

Drilling foreign stones from our e-shop is best done by calling: +420 602 549 354 to save your time and time. The stones you send for drilling must be described with an alcohol marker. Make dots where you want to drill and you need to write what diameter you want to drill on paper or bag. Your phone number and return address must be in your shipment. It often happens that a stone cannot be drilled, or there is a high risk of bursting, or a pig, and we need to arrange with you from the workshop what to do next (there is no computer with emails in the workshop). Usually, it is paid by credit transfer to the account, we charge only well-pierced stones. Postage to Europe and America for sending back as a  letter is 3,80 EUR,  for bulky items the price will be according to the tariff of Czech Post. 

Drilled stones are natural material, so they occasionally burst according to crack, cleavage or internal stresses. So we cannot take any guarantee that every stone drill will last. Usually 100 stones will burst. Some types of stones crack much more often (larimar, topaz, chrysocolla, kunzit, cyanide, adular, sun stone), because of the high risk of swelling we can refuse to drill. Often, glass cabochons from China bought on the Internet are also bursting. They look like colored agates, but when drilling they begin to chip away and find it to be glass. A common feature of stones is that there is a slightly chipped edge around the bore, which can be sharpened if ordered.

There are also ultrasonic drills we don't have. These drills drill small diameters and the holes are no more than 8 mm long, with no long holes that can be used to stretch the skin, for example. Ultrasound drilled holes tap into the center. These drills are, but ideal for small diameters of 0.5 to 1.0 mm, which drill stone beads. They don't have drill bits that break. They are drilling with wires under which the abrasive powder is poured.